Götz Ganja

Welcome to Götz Anbauvereinigung e.V.!


Our application for cultivation permission has been received by LAVG on 10.10.24, and we are waiting with excitement for a reply, and for possible further requirements. We will keep it updated here.


Initial feedback from the LAVG is circulating in private messages. Questions are regarding an alleged conflict of interest between the authorized representative of the association and the role of prevention officer. The LAVG is considering setting an additional challenge, namely that the prevention officer is a member of the association but cannot represent it. There is a discussion about whether this requirement contradicts the principle of free eligibility...

Götz Anbauvereinigung e.V.

Our goal is to promote a responsible awareness of cannabis and to support its use within the framework of laws and social acceptance.

Become a member

We are accepting membership applications.


  • At least 21 years old.
  • Minimum membership contract is 3 months.
  • Until the cultivation approval there are no membership costs.

Membership applications are only officially confirmed once the identity verification can take place on-site. At the first on-site appointment, a knowledge quiz will also be required, covering the legal regulations regarding the association's space as well as the handling of cannabis in relation to prevention and youth protection.


Götz Anbauvereinigung e.V.
Götzer Dorfstr. 59
14550 Groß Kreutz

Vereinsregister: VR9742P
Registergericht: Potsdam

Represented by
1. Vorsitzenderin: Tamara Fleming
Götzer Dorfstr. 59, 14550 Groß Kreutz
Telefon: 015114928537
E-Mail: info@goetzganja.de

Regulatory office
Landesamt für Arbeitsschutz, Verbraucherschutz und Gesundheit (LAVG) Abteilung Verbraucherschutz,
Dezernat V1
Horstweg 57
14478 Potsdam

Responsible for content
Tamara Fleming

Alle Bilder © Tamara Fleming, sofern nicht anders angegeben.

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Unsere E-Mail-Adresse finden Sie oben im Impressum.
Wir sind nicht bereit oder verpflichtet, an Streitbeilegungsverfahren vor einer
Verbraucherschlichtungsstelle teilzunehmen.
